Chat room espana

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💃🏼 España - Popular Chat Rooms - AntiLand

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Le mea a la tuya. Que apesto a burro. Voy a darme un un agua. K pazaaaaa. Q dise el tio.

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Peinarse el calvo. Darle a la zambomba. Menear el olivo. Tocarse el ciruelo.

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Se comunica con lenguaje de signos. Except for the swearword filter If you don't want to listen to what someone has to say right-click on their name and choose ignore. Never arrange to meet anyone from this chatroom in real life unless you are a black belt in Karate and have phoned several friends to say where you are.

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People may appear to be normal in a chatroom but when you meet them they may turn out to be axe wielding maniacs! There are sometimes weirdos flooding the room with garbage.

Just right-click on their name and choose ignore. You can use these links to add espanglishchat to things.

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  8. The links will open up a new window and not take you away from the chat. Espanglish chat is a place to practise your Spanish with Spanish speakers and make friends: