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So if you like to receive your funds through this means you're advised to contact MR.

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QUAYE with the following information as stated below: QUAYE with your correct and valid details. QUAYE as directed to avoid further delay. The reason you are receiving this notification in your mailbox is because We found your name in our list of people their payment has been delayed so we decide to intervene and help you get paid which we have done. On behalf of the UN we apologize for the failure to pay your funds on time and for any inconveniences such as approved registered payments being forwarded to our processing institution in Africa.

We look forward to the completed transfer of your payment. If there is any other required information or assistance please contact us at the number provided for the UBA Benin payment processing Dept.

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One have to be very careful as scam has taken over the internet to defraud innocent citizens, this has made it very difficult for people to believe anything that comes through the internet. I got your contact from your Email domain hence the desire to contact you is for you to partner with me. If you are honest and can be trusted, I think we can work together on this project. Raymond Odierno, from the U. Army; Among those deployed from Iraq, I really need your help in assisting me with the safe keeping of my funds which was moved to a private Security Company from Iraq.

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